Sukhmani Sahib – Mann Family
Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich 1 Calderwood Street, London, United KingdomBooked by the Mann Family.
Booked by the Mann Family.
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Schedule for the Day: Gurdwara Sahib: 11:30 AM Guru Nanak Darbar, Belvedere, DA17 6AA Crematorium: 1:00 PM Hither Green, SE6 1TP Gurdwara Sahib: 2:30 PM Guru Nanak Darbar, Belvedere, DA17 6AA Funeral Details:
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Sangrand - Sehaj Path
Sangrand - Kirtan Diwan
Seva Simran Sadhsangat. Monthly Naam Simran - Meditate Followed by Langar @ 6pm. "The remembrance of God is the highest and most exalted of all acts" Ang 263, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Sri Sukhmani Sahib Ji and Kirtan Darbar at Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich. Itinerary is below: 09:00 am Sri Sukhmani Sahib Paath 10:00 am Kirtan by Hazuri Raagi Jatha 11:00 am Dhahddi Jatha Bhai Rasal Singh Chohla Sahib 12:00 pm Sangat Roop Kirtan 12:30 pm Ardas and Hukamnama Sahib
The following group link is for any attendees and interested parties in the series or subject matter discussed in last weekend's Chaa & Chat session @ Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich, and new participants will be added to the group as the year progresses. Either we will end up with sangat members who want to learn more ... [Read more...]
📢 New Monthly Katha Series 📢 Are you feeling lost or unsure in life? Join us as we embark on this journey with monthly guidance from Barah Maha Manjh, written by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Let's find clarity on our purpose in life together, and try to connect with and experience Waheguru in this lifetime. ... [Read more...]
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes