Gurdwara Website Project: Catch Up
Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich 1 Calderwood Street, London, United KingdomAgenda is a catch up on the progress on the website.
Agenda is a catch up on the progress on the website.
Booked by the Mann Family.
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Schedule for the Day: Gurdwara Sahib: 11:30 AM Guru Nanak Darbar, Belvedere, DA17 6AA Crematorium: 1:00 PM Hither Green, SE6 1TP Gurdwara Sahib: 2:30 PM Guru Nanak Darbar, Belvedere, DA17 ... [Read more...]
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Sangrand - Sehaj Path
Sangrand - Kirtan Diwan
Seva Simran Sadhsangat. Monthly Naam Simran - Meditate Followed by Langar @ 6pm. "The remembrance of God is the highest and most exalted of all acts" Ang 263, Sri Guru ... [Read more...]
Guru Nanak Khalsa School - Punjabi Classes
Sri Sukhmani Sahib Ji and Kirtan Darbar at Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich. Itinerary is below: 09:00 am Sri Sukhmani Sahib Paath 10:00 am Kirtan by Hazuri Raagi Jatha 11:00 am Dhahddi ... [Read more...]
The following group link is for any attendees and interested parties in the series or subject matter discussed in last weekend's Chaa & Chat session @ Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich, and ... [Read more...]
📢 New Monthly Katha Series 📢 Are you feeling lost or unsure in life? Join us as we embark on this journey with monthly guidance from Barah Maha Manjh, written ... [Read more...]