Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh and Sat Sri Akal

A Sikh place of congregational worship is called a 'Gurdwara', which is open to visitors, irrespective of their religion or gender, at all times. The common translation of the term as temple is not satisfactory, as Sikhi possesses no sacraments and no priestly order. The essential feature of a Gurdwara is the presiding presence in it of the Sikh Sacred Scripture, Sri Guru Ganth Sahib, the Treasure of Spiritual Wisdom(gurmat) of the Sikhs.
Sikhs believe the first place of pilgrimage is within one self. The main aim for creating this website is for educating site visitors in Sikhee (ਸਿੱਖੀ Punjabi; no "ism" in the original language) and Gurbani. Other information includes Gurdwara timetable and events, religious service and festival brief.
Sikhs believe the first place of pilgrimage is within one self. The main aim for creating this website is for educating site visitors in Sikhee (ਸਿੱਖੀ Punjabi; no "ism" in the original language) and Gurbani. Other information includes Gurdwara timetable and events, religious service and festival brief.
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh. Greetings from the Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich Pardhan.
Gurdwara Reopening Notice : Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich as of 15 June 2020 Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Je Ke Fateh Sadh Sangat Ji we are pleased to inform you that Sangat will be able to have Darshan of Guru Sahib at Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich from Monday 15th June 2020. Opening times: 10am to 12pm Our Sevadars have prepared the Gurdwara for Sangat to attend safely. For the time being there will be no weddings or any programs other than funerals. Please follow the safety precautions listed below:
Please follow these rules for the safety of all our Sangat and Sevadars. Please contact Nirmal Singh (07944 067324) or Balbir Singh (07816 950345) for more information
Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich
1 Calderwood Street Woolwich London SE18 6QW Phone: 0208 854 4233 (Langar hall phone) 0208 854 3224 (Office phone ) Email: [email protected] Location: Map Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich [Greenwich Sikh Association] Registered Charity Number 280961 http://www.woolwichgurdwara.org.uk
Audio book selection :
Advice from Dr. Jeevan Singh regarding the Pandemic and Covid-19 in Panjabi
Corona and Nature (Kudrat) | Is Corona sent by God to realize our mistakes? | Veer Bhupinder Singh
Gurdwara Sahib Woolwich is a non profit organisation founded on the universal principles of Sikhism and dedicated to serving the Sikh community. All rights reserved.